Impulse Home Decor is a high end furniture and accessory shop located in downtown Coeur d'Alene Idaho. It was my job to create a logo and brand style for Impulse Home Decor. I built ads, for both print and screen, 3D Models to be used in print, web, and animation, and created a commercial which aired to promote the business locally.
Logo Design
Example Print Ads:
I shot the photos for all the ads with the exception of the woman which was a stock photo, I added in a photo of a purse which was sold at the store into her arms.
Ad for "The Coeur d'Alene Press"
Outdoor Hanging Sign
Outdoor illuminated cabinet
3D ModelsĀ 
3D Models needed to be created in order for the commercial to work. The concept was that the interior of these homes were "missing something" and furniture - modeled after furniture sold in the store - would appear midway through a shot to make the home "complete".
After the models were completed they were added to a motion tracked video so they looked like they were part of the shot.
After this was accomplished I matched the lighting and reflections of the shot.

3D Models of frames, and jars
Special care was taken to make sure these 3D models were not perfect, meaning I modeled purposeful imperfections just like the furniture had in real life.
Impulse Home Decor Commercial:
All 3D models created for use in the commercial, as well as other instances:
Used in ads as well as large print sizes in the interior of the shop
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