I shot, edited, created 3D models, & animated this project. All video, and assets were created by me. 
I was inspired by punk-rock album covers, lots of red, black & white, grungy imagery. I chose to use red as the primary color due to the song's aggressive feeling and lyrics. 
I created various 3D models to be used in the animation:
In most cases, the 3D models were rendered with flat, unshaded, colors. The idea is that the viewer would see that these are 3D objects from the models' movement and parallax, not from any shading or textures on the model itself. 
The shopping cart was used as a mask in this portion for an interesting look:
3D Models I created:
Retro TV Model
Physics simulation of chains for a segment of the video:
The grey boxes shown below are collider objects. These are used for the chains to rest on something and give the chains more weight. These boxes are not seen by the camera in the final render:
Final Project:
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